
Underpinning means to support something from below, for example holding an existing building in the air.  

Underpinning is a method used to create support below the ground for an existing structure. This is required when a structure is either sinking or is showing signs of subsidence which can appear as cracks in the masonry and concrete of the structure. It can also be used to create a void such as room or cellar below an existing building.

It can include minor underpinning with traditional bricks mortar, transferring the existing brick work of the existing dwelling down to bedrock or suitable foundations. Alternately, more intense underpinning with mass concrete to deepen & strengthen your existing foundations to creating new rooms. Underpinning can be performed by hand or with machine, but it is important to be aware of Co2 levels, ventilation & using machines in confined spaces. 

Be it piling or auger drilling in sand of the eastern suburbs, or contiguous piling a new build in Manly northern beaches, Hbuild has the capacity & building knowledge to complete the project successfully.

Needling is used by many engineers to support the existing properties by inserting steel needles through the property to support the existing building while works are carried out below. Works such as excavation of basements, installing new beam for an opening, retain existing dwellings on boundary properties & create exciting new habitable areas in Sydney.   

Whether it’s propping foundations, installing steel to an existing building or excavating a basement, HBuild has all the equipment & experience as well as local Sydney knowledge. The experience HBuild brings is one of our greatest assets and it benefits our clients by identifying buildability & sharing our experience into the design of a proposed project.